Honeyherb-honey and nettle


Since ancient times, man has known that bees collect and make a very tasty delicacy to which many attributed miraculous properties. It is known that honey can contribute to the strengthening of the immunite system, it is an excellent source of energy and it contains many ingredients that the human body needs. Honey in combination with other foods is an excellent delicacy, and it can contribute to improving the general state of the organism.

Nettle is popularly known as a powerful diuretic, it helps with kidney cleansing and fluid retention. Stimulating the excretion of uric acid from the body, nettle is useful for gout and other arthritic conditions. It stimulates the digestive system. Nettle also helps with anemia, improves the blood count and relieves seasonal allergies.

SKU: R262 Category:

Additional information

Weight0,25 kg